ProjectRadio Forum

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Author:  Juusjester [ Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:07 pm ]
Post subject:  JuusJester

Hello everyone. I know I met some of you in Lakeland at revolution. Those I didn't whats up. My name is Larry (Jester). I have been a breaks DJ for around 10 years. I have been in love with breaks from the very first song. I have developed my sound from random tracks to a very precise sound that just keeps morphing with each new sound I come across. I am, even though I have been doing this for 10 years, just starting to make progress. I have in the last few years been able to finally look at my work as good enough to share. I have come to this site through meeting T.E.K. at revolution and I hope that I can become friends with everyone here. I really look forward to getting on air and making some noise with some of the coolest people I have met in a long time.


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